Whats New

Whats New

S/N Title Details/Download
271 Monthly D.O. format about activities related to different Areas in the MoT - Reg Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 1.9 मेगा बाइट )
272 Furnishing details of outsourced services - Revised - reg. Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 180.67 किलोबाइट )
273 Assessment & Interview for CSB Scientists held on 06.11.2020 - Declaration of Results - reg. Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 194.04 किलोबाइट )
274 Request transfer of employees of the Central Silk Board for the year 2021 - reg. Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 692.15 किलोबाइट )
275 Updating the status of Vehicles available at all the units of CSB - Submission of status report - reg. Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 1.04 मेगा बाइट )
276 Preventive measure to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) - reg Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 3.67 मेगा बाइट )
277 Draft Seniority list of CSB Personnel (Non-Scientific) as on 01.11.2020 - reg Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 1.61 मेगा बाइट )
278 Filling up of the post of Director in CSB by DR - Declaration of Results of Interview held on 15.07.2019 Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 70.21 किलोबाइट )
279 Performance Security - reg. Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 1.28 मेगा बाइट )
280 Reconciliation of PFMS balances on PFMS portal - Release of GIA for January 2021 - reg. Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 1.01 मेगा बाइट )