Whats New

Whats New

S/N Title Details/Download
121 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government Pensioners / Family Pensioners - Revised rate w.e.f. 01.07.2021 - reg. Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 1.15 मेगा बाइट )
122 Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government Employees - Revised rates effective from 01-07-2021 -reg Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 648.03 किलोबाइट )
123 RECRUITMENT OF TWO JRF POSITION THROUGH WALK-IN INTERVIEW TO BE HELD ON 10/08/2021 at SBRL Bangalore Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 78.19 किलोबाइट )
124 Recruitment of Scientist-B (Post Cocoon Sector) Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 131.99 किलोबाइट )
125 Payment of enhanced HRA on enhancement of DA from 17% to 28% w.e.f. 1st July 2021 - reg. Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 599.86 किलोबाइट )
126 Organisation of Hindi Day/Week/Fortnight - 2021 - regarding Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 715.12 किलोबाइट )
127 Minutes of the HYBRID AUTHORIZATION COMMITTEE - HELD ON 01.09.2021 at Bengaluru - Reg Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 4.16 मेगा बाइट )
128 Minutes of the XI meeting of MVAC held on 01.09.2021 - Reg Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 2.16 मेगा बाइट )
129 Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week for the year 2021 - reg. Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 6.35 मेगा बाइट )
130 CVC Guidelines - Vigilance Awareness Week Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 5.06 मेगा बाइट )