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S/N Title Details/Download
101 Preventive Measures to contain the spread of Novel Corona Virus(COVID-19) - Resumption of Biometric Attendance - reg. Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 691.47 किलोबाइट )
102 Revised rates of Dearness Allowance extended to Skilled Farm Workers(Temporary Status) working in CSB w.e.f. 01.07.2021 - reg Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 230.64 किलोबाइट )
103 Implementation of TSA in CSB - Guidelines for Submission of Bills and settlement of Contingent Advances - Hindi Version - reg. Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 512.88 किलोबाइट )
104 Implementation of TSA in CSB - Guidelines for Submission of Bills and settlement of Contingent Advances - reg. Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 125.57 किलोबाइट )
105 Submission of Life Certificate by CSB Pensioners/Family Pensioners through Jeevan Pramaan - Regarding. Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 387.05 किलोबाइट )
106 CVC circulars/guidelines - Regular examination on the audit reports - Reg Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 578.17 किलोबाइट )
107 Treasury Single Account [TSA] system in CSB - Crediting of Pension - Reg Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 1.26 मेगा बाइट )
108 MINUTES OF THE 65th MEETING OF THE RCC OF CENTRAL SILK BOARD HELD ON 2ND & 3RD SEPTEMBER 2021 AT CSB, BENGALURU Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 657.26 किलोबाइट )
109 Monthly Average Prices of Cocoon and Raw Silk(upto July 2021) - reg. Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 188.32 किलोबाइट )
110 Observance of SADBHAVANA DIWAS - reg. For CSB Units Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 230.96 किलोबाइट )