The quality of human resources and the skill-levels of its stakeholders directly influence the health and growth of an industry. Though Sericulture is an age-old practice in India, the Sericulture and Silk industry as a whole lacks adequate trained and skilled manpower. Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, since inception has been a very strong training and capacity building organization. It is committed to promote entrepreneurship and empower the stakeholders in different sub-sectors and activities of sericulture and silk (Soil to silk) by sharing relevant technology-related information and knowledge, skill seeding and up-grading the skill-sets, refining various concepts, processes and technologies, through a variety of meticulously designed, need-based, quality training programmes.
The Capacity Building & Training at CSB includes regular structured courses - Post Graduate Diploma in Sericulture (PGDS) and Intensive Training in Sericulture (ITS), Entrepreneurship Development Programmes and other short-term (1-2 weeks) skill & competence enhancement training programmes. These training programmes are conducted i) by various R&D institutes of CSB and their nested field units located in different parts of the country focusing on specific silk sub-sectors viz., Mulberry, tasar, Eri & Muga and also directly by ii) the Capacity Building & Training (CBT) division, CSB, Bangalore. ADMISSION NOTIFICATION FOR POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SERICULTURE (2023-24) - reg