Implementation of Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) under sericulture
Sericulture holds unique distinction to create employment and job opportunities to poor and downtrodden rural families. It acts as a tool for poverty alleviation and helps to prevent migration of local youth to urban areas and improving their social status. CSB has been implementing various beneficiary oriented components under “Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP)” exclusively for empowerment of Tribal families through sericulture in coordination with respective State Sericulture departments / other implementing agencies in the country.
In this connection, during the years 2017-18 & 2018-19, CSB has released Rs.30.00 crores (to cover 9181 No. of beneficiaries) & Rs.15.00 crores (to cover 2801 No. of beneficiaries) respectively to States towards implementation of components under TSP. The Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India has sanctioned Rs.20.00 crores towards implementation of beneficiary oriented components under TSP for the current year 2019-20. So far, an amount of Rs.13.74 crores (up to Nov, 2019) has been released to States towards implementation of components under TSP.
For further details please refer Ministry of Tribal Affairs portal (