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Whats New

S/N Title Details/Download
411 Recruitment for the post of Scientist-B (Post- Cocoon) Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 89.03 KB )
412 List of Scientists under Modified FCS qualified in the Internal screening held on 01-03-2023 - Assessment and Interview for CSB Scientists - reg. Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 89.03 KB )
413 Information handout for online examination for various posts (Administrative & Technical) for Advt. No. CSB/09/2022 Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 89.03 KB )
414 List of Rejected applicant for the post of Scientist-B (PreCocoon Sector) Advt. No.CSB/5/2022 Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 89.03 KB )
415 Time Schedule for preparation of APAR for the Reporting Year 2022-23 in respect of all the employees -regarding Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 89.03 KB )
416 "Declaration of final result for the post of Scientist-B (Post-Cocoon Sector)" Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 89.03 KB )
417 Inviting applications for filling up of posts on Deputation basis-reg. Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 1.13 MB )
418 Enhancement of ceiling limit on Payment of Gratuity to the Farm Workers of CSB Reg Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 536.78 KB )
419 Popularizing the logo of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav(AKAM) - reg Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 292.58 KB )
420 Name and Address of the CSB Units(State-wise) as on 14.02.2022 Download(Format: PDF,Language: English ,Size: 368.95 KB )