The Central Silk Board (CSB) is a Statutory Body, established during 1948, by an Act of Parliament (Act No.LXI of 1948). At present it function under the administrative control of the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India and head quartered at Bangalore. It has established the following Institutes/organizations to cater to the needs of various sectors of sericulture in the country.
The institute was established in 1961. Nested with the main institute are five Regional Sericultural Research Stations (RSRS), one Satellite Silkworm Breeding Station (SSBS), 17 Research Extension Centres (REC), three Sub-RECs and one P4 station / farm located within the mandated seri zone which includes the states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. Over 90 scientists are working towards constant up-gradation of silkworm races, mulberry varieties, development and evaluation of region and season specific technologies, genetics and biotechnology including tissue culture, transfer of technology, extension management and training offers structural course like M.Sc. (Sericulture technology), Diploma and Certificate courses on regular basis.
For more details please contact:
The Director,
Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute,
Central Silk Board,
Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of . India,
Srirampura, Manandavadi Road,
MYSORE - 570 008,
+91 821 2362757
+91 821 2362440
+91 821 2362845
The institute was established in 1943. Nested with the main institute are 3 Regional Sericultural Research Stations (RSRS) and 9 Research Extension Centres (REC) located in the mandated seri zones which includes the states of West Bengal, Orissa, Assam, Sikkim, Jharkhand, Tripura, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh. Over 43 scientists are working towards constant up-gradation of silkworm races and mulberry varieties, pest and diseases of silkworm, development and evaluation of region and season specific technologies, genetics & tissue culture, transfer of technology. Also offers structural training courses, Post Graduate Diploma in Sericulture and Certificate courses on regular basis. This Institute has initiated a new service for answering farmers questions related to sericulture through email. Farmers may post their questions and get their reply within short time.
For more details please contact:
The Director,
Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute,
Central Silk Board,
Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of . India,
BERHAMPORE - 742 101,
West Bengal, India.
+91 3482 224716-8
+91 3482 224712
+91 3482 224714
The institute was established in 1990. Nested with the main institute are 2 Regional Sericultural Research Stations (RSRS), 6 Research Extension Centres (REC), 1 P4 Station / Farm, and 1 Sub-REC located in the mandated seri-zones which includes the states of J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Harayana, Uttar Pradesh & Uttarakhand . Over 37 scientists engaged in constant up-gradation of silkworm races and mulberry varieties suitable to temperate zone and hilly regions, development and evaluation of region and season specific technologies, genetics and breeding, transfer of technology, extension, etc.
For more details please contact:
The Director,
Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute,
Central Silk Board,
Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of . India,
Galander, National Highway - 1A,
PAMPORE - 192 121,
Jammu & Kashmir, India.
+91 1933 222839
+91 1933 223176
+91 1933 293862
+91 1933 223579
The institute was established in 1999. Nested with the main institute are 2 Regional Sericultural Research Station (RSRS), 2 Muga Research Extension Centres (RECs), 1 Eri Research Extension Centres (RECs) and one Muga Field Lab located in muga and eri seri-zone, which includes the states of Assam, West Bengal & UP. Over 30 scientists are working on mandated areas like collection and conservation of muga and eri host plants and its silkworms, evolving suitable package of practices for muga and eri silkworm, rearing technology, seed technology and reeling and spinning in muga and eri sector.
For more details please contact:
The Director,
Central Muga Eri Research & Training Institute,
Central Silk Board,
Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India,
P.O. Ladoigarh Charali,
JORHAT - 785 700.
Assam, india.
+91 376 2335513
+91 376 2335528
+91 376 2335124
The institute was established in 1964. Nested with the main institute are 6 Regional Tasar Research Stations (RTRS), 4 Research Extension Centres (RECs), One P4 Station and One Raw Material Bank (RMB) in tropical and temperate tasar growing region of India viz. Chattisgarh, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttarakhand, Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh, West Bengal and Manipur. The institute has over 32 scientists working on mandated areas like tasar and oak tasar silk production, conservation of eco races, augmentation of food plant, integrated package of rearing and post cocoon technology aspects. Also offer Post Graduate Diploma in Non-mulberry Sericulture on regular basis.
For more details please contact:
The Director,
Central Tasar Research and Training Institute
Central Silk Board,
Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of . India,
Piska Nagri,
RANCHI - 835 303
Jharkand, India.
+91 651 2775815
+91 651 2775628
+91 651 2775629
The Central Silk Technological Research Institute was established in 1983 to takeup R&D activities in Post Cocoon sector with the mandate of Quality improvement, Productivity improvement, Services to the industry, Enterprise development and Market information dissemination.
CSTRI has been addressing the problems faced by the industry with constant interactions with the concerned groups. It is extending R&D support, technical services, training for use of improved machinery, skills and entrepreneur development. It undertakes promotional activities in post-cocoon sector. The institute has patented a number of technologies, machineries and equipments available for commercialization.
Nested with the main institute are two Regional Silk Technological Research Stations (RSTRS), and 14 Silk Technical Service Centres (STSCs) spread over Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Jammu & Kashmir, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Orissa, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Assam and Uttar Pradesh. Over 52 scientists are working on areas of reeling, weaving, wet processing and training & extension. CSTRI is propagating the importance of quality of silk yarn by assessment and testing activities through its sub-units.
For more details please contact:
The Director,
Central Silk Technological Research Institute,
Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India
B.T. M. Layout, Madiwala
BANGALORE - 560 068
Karnataka, India.
+91 80 26685238
+91 80 26282190
+91 80 26680435
The center was established in 1991. It has a mandate to collect, protect and conserve mulberry and silkworm germplasm resources. This is also a National Repository Centre for mulberry germplasm and a National Active Germplasm Site (NAGS) for mulberry germplasm under NBPGR. Over 10 Scientists are engaged in collection and conservation activity. For exchange and dissection of information the centre has developed on-line multiple query based Mulberry Germplasm Information System (MGIS) with retrieval facility which is available on website
For more details please contact:
The Director,
Central Sericultural Germplasm Resources Centre
Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India
Post Box No. 44, Thally Road,
HOSUR - 635 019,
Tamilnadu, India.
+91 4344 221148-9
+91 4344 222013
+91 4344 220520
The laboratory established in 1993, is conducting research on frontier areas of modern molecular biology and its application towards improving silkworm races for better productivity. Six scientists are working on molecular biology projects.
For more details please contact:
The Director,
Seri-biotech Research Laboratory (SBRL),
Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India,
Carmelram Post, Kodathi,
BANGALORE - 560 035.
Karnataka, India.
+91 80 29519995
+91 80 29519997
Silkworm Seed Technology Laboratory (SSTL), the exclusive laboratory for R&D activities on silkworm seed was established at Kodathi, Bangalore during the year 1991 under National Sericulture Project (NSP).
For more details please contact:
Silkworm Seed Technology Laboratory,
Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles,
Govt. of India, Carmalram Post, Kodathi,
Bangalore – 560 035
Karnataka, India+91 80 29519990
E mail: